Plan a fun run or other event
Plan an event that would raise funds for a Hope Renewed area of ministry or project! Contact our Fundraising Committee chair to learn more.
Fill a Table
Find a group to sponsor a whole table of preschoolers! Contact us to find out how $200/month or a one time donation of $2400 can provide a whole year of learning for 4 children.
sell Coffee
Generate interest in Hope Renewed Coffee by selling at your church or place of business. Due to the Covid-19 virus this option is on hold.
Fill a Classroom
Find a group to sponsor a whole class of preschoolers! Contact us to find our how $750/month or a one time donation of $9000 can provide a whole year of learning for 15 children.
Contact your community organizations (Rotary or similar clubs) to determine if they would be interested in supporting Hope Renewed International.
Downloadable Resources
These downloadable resources are available for you to use in your print and media campaigns. Print off the donation or information cards to assist you in your fundraising efforts.
please contact our mission team coordinator for more information.
If you’ve been on a Mission Team with Hope Renewed International (HRI) and would like to return to Guatemala for an extended (2-3 weeks) volunteer opportunity with us, please contact our Mission Team Coordinator who will provide you more information. Choose a particular area of ministry or a project that you’d like to focus on (Mission Teams, Preschool Education, Scholarships, Sewing Center, Water Store or Boys Transition Home) and write a proposal with what your time with us would look like. Competency/Fluency in Spanish is a plus and looking for those who align with HRI mission and goals. Let’s talk!