Hope Community and CrossRoads Community Church
CrossRoads Community Church from Chittenango, New York has faithfully supported Hope Renewed International since 2012. That is when CrossRoads staff member, Rob, met Hope Renewed’s cofounder, Jason. Rob became so enthusiastic for what he sensed God was doing in Guatemala that he championed the idea of developing a partnership between CrossRoads Community Church and HRI! And what a relationship it has been!
At that time, Hope Renewed was just starting the search for a place to develop a transition home for young men. In Guatemala, young men age out of the orphan care system at 16 years old. Their future is often filled with uncertainty and purposelessness. With no family to return to, no way to pay for education, and few job opportunities, many older adolescent and young adult males end up on the streets and in gangs. Extortion and crime become their way of life, and many quickly end up in jail. This harsh reality caused HRI to begin exploring the ide of developing a place where these young men would be given a different option. A place where young men could become independent and active members of their communities.
The vision for a transition home resonated with CrossRoads and they committed to raising the funds needed to purchase the land. On December 26, 2013 they sent their first mission team - 24 people excited to see what God would do, headed to Guatemala. The team filled HRI’s guest house and as they worked, they fell in love with the people of Guatemala. To date, CrossRoads has sent 14 teams to Guatemala! Many of them returning multiple times and some staying for weeks at a time. So, even though their focus has been on developing Hope Community - each CrossRoads team member falls in love with different parts of the ministry. Warren shared “Now when we go back to Guatemala, we go to work of course, but mostly we go to see family”.
“Now when we go back to Guatemala, we go to work of course, but mostly we go to see family”
CrossRoads is so committed to Hope Community that they set aside a tithe from their own building campaign to be used for funding. Though Covid has caused a disruption in the plans and progress of Hope Community - CrossRoads Community Church has not lost any passion or determination to continue this ministry. They have put together a Planning Committee and are working with the HRI staff and Board of Directors to develop building, operational and programming plans. Construction plans have been approved; bids and contracts have been reviewed and a decision on how to move forward has been made. CrossRoads just sent funds to purchase the next load of building materials!
Hope Community will be a place where young men will learn that they have value and purpose. They will learn that God knows each of them personally and wants them to know Him too. They will be loved, guided, taught and challenged to become Godly men that can change their lives and their country. These young men will have the opportunity to develop skills in vegetable farming and coffee cultivation, learning responsibility and leadership.
God is working through the partnership formed between CrossRoads and HRI! Today, two members of CrossRoads Community Church serve on HRI’s Board of Directors, one is our Vice President and the other has been instrumental in starting the Coffee Farm! [Read more about the HRI Coffee Farm in an earlier blog: “Coffee and Community of Hope in Atitlán”]
Please join HRI and CrossRoads Community Church on this adventure! There are many ways to get involved - check out Hope Renewed’s website at www.hoperenewed.org to learn more.
We can’t wait to see what God is going to do, in and through the lives of these young men!