Why Guatemala - by Jeanne Brandes (Board Fundraising Chair)

Why do you support HRI?

The Sewing Center is near and dear to Jeanne’s heart!

I have for years heard through my family about the wonderful ministries of Hope Renewed International. When a Sewing Center was planned for La Limonada, I wanted to support this effort in a more comprehensive way. I have seen through my participation in Sewing for the Nations how teaching women to sew can be life-changing for impoverished women and their families around the world. In the three years that I have been on the Board of HRI, I have been so honored to be a part of the five fingers of ministry that have been have established to be the Hands of the Lord to the special communities in which we serve - Scholarship, Sewing Center, Water Store, Preschool, Boys' Transition Home.

Isn't there plenty of need in our own country?

There is need in our great country. There are also wonderful programs established in our land to provide safety nets and relief for those who are in need. The United States is one of the most generous countries in the world, and our own citizens who are poor can more easily find help and relief from their suffering and impoverished situations. In Guatemala, this is not the case at all.

Every dollar makes a difference - and the ripples go on forever.

The need is so great - do you really feel any amount of money/support sent to Guatemala can make a difference?

Absolutely, I feel that every dollar makes a difference. When you donate to support the ministries of Hope Renewed International, you are dropping a pebble in the brook of someone's life in Guatemala - a child or a woman or a family. We can only guess what influence your and our participation can mean to these individuals in the future. At Hope Renewed International, we are truly partnering with Our Lord to prosper the work of His Hands in Guatemala! Please pray for our wisdom and direction and consider donating to our efforts! Thank you!


Cynthia Friend